Sunday, January 17, 2016


 How about since its winter and I am not exactly tearing up the road running we talk about what I fuel my body with everyday to make sure I have enough protein as well as fruits and veggies.  Since I have Crohn's sometimes eating just hurts.  I won't go into great detail just know that food doesn't always feel all that great in my stomach. Its not all the time but enough of the time that I have found nutrition that works for me.

I use IsaGenix IsaLean Shakes once or twice a day as a meal.  I always have a shake for breakfast. Breakfast has been my least favorite meal since I can remember.  For many many years I would just skip breakfast because I never felt good eating first thing in the morning.  Once I started drinking these shakes I have had no issues with my mornings.  I add a little ice and 10 oz of water, they recommend 8ozs but I don't like my shakes to thick. Easy peasy and my breakfast is done.

Next I make myself a shake that I call a Modified O'Malley Monster (after the person who invented it) and it covers my fruits and vegetables for the day.  This is the way I get my nutrients in without all the fiber which is not good for me. My shake starts again with 10 ozs of water and some ice, then a scoop of IsaFruits, a scoop of IsaGreens, 2 scoops of replenish in Juicy Orange (this stuff reminds me of Tang that I used to drink as a kid), I add and ounce of Ionix Supreme, lastly I add a stick of FocusUp from a company called Zooma as an eye opener.  Shake this up and then I add in some more ice.  I like COLD beverages. I should say that my water has added minerals from something called X2O. I have a gallon jug in the fridge that I fill up everyday and add the minerals and that is what I use fro my drinking water for the whole day.  I take this shake to work with me and drink it there.

If you have any questions about any of these products I would be happy to expound on these items.  I have been using IsaGenix since June 2014 and I have been so happy with these products.  The company just added in some more products for athletes that I am excited to try out.

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